Sunday, July 12, 2009


Don't forget my RAW FOODS DEMO At SUNFLOWER MARKET 6284 s State Street July 22nd 6:30pm. the class cost is only $5.00. So come and enjoy the amazing raw food world.
for more information please feel free to contact me at

I'm asked, why go raw? The benefits of going raw are numerous. In addition to helping you feel great inside and out, studies have shown that eating live, enzyme-rich foods contain resources that can alleviate many illnesses, prevent many health problems, and strengthen the immune system. Raw foods can help you achieve a stable body-mass index, clear skin, more energy, and can help to minimize a range of common illnesses, from the flu to obesity-related illnesses.

People who follow a raw, live-food diet generally believe a number of principles:

  1. Raw foods are enzyme-rich, which acts as a catalyst to regulate the digestive process in the body.

  2. When you heat food above 118°F, the enzymes which aid in the digestion process begin to degrade or be destroyed. Once they are destroyed, the human body takes on the toll of having to digest these “dead” foods without the aid of enzymes. This depletes the body of energy, making you tired and low energy.

  3. In the long term, consuming food without enzymes can lead to toxicity in the body, to excess consumption of food, and therefore to obesity and chronic disease.

  4. Raw, living foods, particularly those that are organically grown, have a much higher nutrient values than foods which have been cooked.

  5. When you are hungry and eat raw, organic foods with a higher nutrient content, the “I’m full!” button is turned on sooner, and people tend to not overeat like they do when they eat cooked, processed foods.

  6. Raw foods contain bacteria and other micro-organisms that stimulate the immune system and enhance digestion by populating the digestive tract with beneficial flora.

Raw Q & A

Q. What are enzymes?

A. Enzymes are proteins, composed of amino-acids and proteins are present in all living things. All enzymes are proteins, but not all proteins are enzymes.
When you eat, enzymes break down the food into tiny particles which can be converted into energy in the body.

The breakdown of food is necessary to convert food into energy. Undigested food is unable to pass on the energy stored within it. Digestive enzymes carry out the breakdown of the food particles so that they can be easily converted into the essential energy needed by all parts of our body.
The only substances capable of digesting food. Without enzymes you would die from starvation.

Q. What raw item is a good source of protein?

A. Out of the 22 amino aids found in the body, 8 must be derived from food. All 8 are abundantly available in raw plant food, especially greens. As suggested by David Wolfe, "green leafed veggies are the true body builders". Ex. Animals who build enormous musculature on green leafy vegetation (gorilla, giraffe, hippo, elephant, horse). People think they need flesh protein to build flesh protein. If that were true then cows would need to eat flesh to get protein. Usable protein is the key. Cooking denatures protein molecular structure and creating free radicals, which destroy enzymes, amino acids & other cellular elements.

Another great source of protein is avocado.

Q. I have been on raw food for eight years and feel that my body is very clean. Why do I feel nauseous from drinking wheatgrass juice?

Victoria Boutenko answers: If you have read my book Green for Life, you are familiar with the part where I speak about all greens, without exception, containing alkaloids. Alkaloid build up is toxic. Wheatgrass also contains a small amount of alkaloids. If you begin to drink it on a regular basis, the alkaloids accumulate and the body rejects it.

This is why people get nauseous after drinking wheatgrass regularly for a while. When they take a break and come back to it, they can tolerate it better. Many people do not consume enough greens, and due to the fact

that wheatgrass juice is almost 100% chlorophyll, the benefits of chlorophyll override the drawback of poisoning by alkaloids. That means, that even though people still get the alkaloid poisoning, the presence of chlorophyll in their body still helps to heal cancer, makes the body more alkaline and has other healing effects.

That is why the green smoothies are so helpful, because when one begins to use a larger variety of greens in the form of green smoothies, one doesn’t have to constantly drink wheatgrass juice. Just keep rotating and get as many different greens as you can.

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